水江未来 Mirai Mizue




第64届柏林国际电影节 获得主竞赛单元 最佳短片(提名)。获奖影视: 《WONDER》


Mirai Mizue was born in 1981 in Tokyo and studied animation at Tama Arts University from 2002. He is known by his affection towards cells in his non-narrative animation films. His films have been nominated in some major animation festivals like Annecy, Zagreb, Ottawa and Hiroshima. DEVOUR DINNER won the Second Prize in Animadrid. In SICAF he made a commissioned film from the festival in 2009 and was a member of Selection Committees in 2010. As an illustrator, he provides his drawings to some Japanese novelists. He is also a member of Japan Animation Association and a teacher in O-HARA school. FILMS『minamo』2003 , 2:23『TRIP!-TRAP!』2005 , 5:00『LOST UTOPIA』2007 , 5:00『DEVOUR DINNER』2008 , 10:00『Adamski』2008 , 3:57『JAM』2009 , 2:46『METROPOLIS』2009 , 4:45『PORT OF WORMY』2009 , 0:15『BLEND』2010 , 1:00『PLAYGROUND』2010 , 3:50『MODERN』2010 , 6:40Special Features『FANTASTIC CELL』2003/6:45『INTERVIEW』2010/12:55

