艾吉原名:Aggie,2020年纪录片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Catherine Gund执导,集众多位约翰·沃特斯、艾娃·德约列、Agnes Gund、Thelma Golden、Dorothy Lichtenstein等著名实力派明星加盟。于2020-01-24(圣丹斯电影节)公映。
An exploration of the nexus of art, race, and justice through the story of art collector Agnes Gund who sold Roy Lichtenstein's painting "Masterpiece" in 2017 for $165 million to start the Art for Justice Fund to end mass incarceration.
Griffin Art Projects.Adrian Piper. 又是一个contemporary art学习时间。Martin Puryear. Senga Nengudi.看完这个纪录片有种她做了不少事,但是电影一个没体现出来的感觉。一堆人的人问一堆的问题,艺术作品只是掠影,剩下的就是要宣传正能量,s a d. (2/5,为了大姐为少数族裔做的事情加一颗星)
对比我的伦勃朗(Mijn Rembrandt, 2019)甚至书商(The Booksellers, 2019),艺术收藏者/**的兴趣爱好已经超过了金钱价值原有的定义,而由参与带来的满足决定艺术品或其本人的附加意义(也就是拍摄电影的缘由)
Personally like Aggie’s beliefs and core values that she appreciates, her aesthetics is undoubtedly authentic, but the clouds in ** head trouble me to question whether art becomes something non-art by excessively serving politics, laws, and economics. Is art still art? Are people ****** art for art’s sake? Or it’s just a new soulless toy or puppy?