Cinema, Mon Amour follows the story of Viktor Purice - *******, former projectionist and lifetime cinephile and his two loyal employees, Cornelia & Lorena, in their everyday battle to preserve Dacia Panoramic Cinema in Piatra Neamt - one of the last remaining cinemas in Romania today. Having lived through “the golden age” of cinema, Viktor dreams of bringing back the good old g...
正在播放:电影院,我的爱高清正片 。 更新于10-08 17:39,播放来源于云播TP。
电影院,我的爱高清正片在线观看。 更新于10-08 17:39,播放来源于云播TP。
剧情介绍:高清正片-Cinema, Mon Amour follows the story of Viktor Purice - *******, former projectionist and lifetime cinephile and his two loyal employees, Cornelia & Lorena, in their everyday battle to preserve Dacia Panoramic Cinema in Piatra Neamt - one of the last remaining cinemas in Romania today. Having lived through “the golden age” of cinema, Viktor dreams of bringing back the good old g...——影视分享提供。