介绍: ModeselektorsHappyBirthday!isafunamalgamofthemostfunelementsofelectron…… 更多Happy Birthday!介绍
Happy Birthday!
Modeselektor's Happy Birthday! is a fun amalgam of the most fun elements of electronica's past, present, and future, from ****-on-the-floor rave (albeit not nearly as mindless as that genre can be) to textural IDM of the Plaid/Black Dog school to bouncy hip-hop and electro jams that wouldn't sound out of place while cruisin' in your pimped-out Escalade. The stiff techno of th...
豆瓣评分8.1,算是一部高评分电影作品,亲们,能有此分数的电影也为数不多呀,推荐大家值得观看。类型为专辑 专辑的电影。