介绍: InspectorHansBärlach,attheendofhiscareerandsufferingfromcancer,isrecov…… 更多Последнее дело комиссара Берлаха介绍
Последнее дело комиссара Берлаха又名Posledneye delo komissara Berlakha
'Inspector Hans Bärlach, at the end of his career and suffering from cancer, is recovering from an operation. He witnesses how his friend and doctor Samuel Hungertobel turns pale and becomes nervous when looking at a photograph in a magazine he is reading. The person pictured is the German Dr. Nehle who carried out horrific experiments on prisoners in the concentration camp Stu...
发布于1972年。由Vasili Levin执导,并于1972(苏联)公映的电影。