介绍: Criticstooknoticeofthefilm(itwonthe1961CzechoslovakFilmCritics’Awardto…… 更多人们生活于此介绍
人们生活于此原名:Vsude zijí lidé,又名People Live Here Too、人们到处生活
Critics took notice of the film (it won the 1961 Czechoslovak Film Critics’ Award together with the Czech film People Live Here Too [Všude žijí lidé; dir. Jiří Hanibal and Stěpán Skalský, 1960) because of its intimate storytelling—six stories loosely connected by child-heroes—and its premise that children’s distorted reality can be **** truthful than a so-called objective recon...
发布于1960年。由Jirí Hanibal、Stepán Skalský执导,并且由编剧Vera Kalábová、Jirí Marek携幕后团队创作。并于1960公映的电影。