介绍: Sagradoyobsceno又名SacredandObscene。创作于委内瑞拉地区,具有西班牙语语言版本。由罗曼·查尔沃德执导,并由Jo…… 更多Sagrado y obsceno介绍
Sagrado y obsceno又名Sacred and Obscene。创作于委内瑞拉地区,具有西班牙语语言版本。由罗曼·查尔沃德执导,并由José Ignacio Cabrujas、罗曼·查尔沃德任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于1975公映。
罗曼-查尔沃德是委内瑞拉写实主义电影大师,他的作品总是能反映出委内瑞拉的社会现实问题,包括**,犯罪等等,却也具有最纯正的委内瑞拉特色。 Sacred and obscene was the 4th film from Venezuelan director Roman Chalbaud. Was premiered in 1976 and is based on the eponymous play by the same director. This was the first film produced in Venezuela with financing from the state after the critical and commercial success of When I mourn no tear (1972) and Wa...