介绍: Andreaisatwenty-sevenyearsold,withadoctorate,somegirl-friends,alotofho…… 更多Santa Maradona介绍
Santa Maradona
Andrea is a twenty-seven years old, with a doctorate, some girl-friends, a lot of hope but no perspective to get out of the rat race that awaits him after his studies. His two best friends are a lazy and quarrelsome person but with a ***** sense of reality by the name of Bart and Lucia, an Indo-Italian girl with a troubled sentimental life. While Andrea's life moves on, his hop...
发布于2001年。由Marco Ponti执导,集众多位Stefano Accorsi、Anita Caprioli、Libero De Rienzo等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2001-10-26公映的电影。
2006 .12 跟他看的第一套電影,無論如何也會好看吧,而且取景是在他大學城裡 - torino。此片最有趣的一句: your future wife is in the kindergarten.