介绍: Themassive30-hourhistoryofItalyderivedfromthewritingsofthreedistinguis…… 更多Storia d'Italia: Dall'unita al 2000介绍
Storia d'Italia: Dall'unita al 2000原名:Storia d'Italia: Dall'unita al 2000,又名The History of Italy: From Unification to 2000
The massive 30-hour history of Italy derived from the writings of three distinguished Italian historians - Valerio Castronovo, Renzo De Felice and Pietro Scoppola - and directed and edited from archive footage by Folco Quilici. The first volume of History of Italy, From the unification of Italy to Giolitti, contains the following chapters: From the unification of Italy to the n...
发布于1993年。由Folco Quilici执导,并于2000(意大利)公映的电视剧。