介绍: IfyoulikedYouvegotmail,youllloveSirfTum.Theplotisverysimilarexceptitus…… 更多素未谋面的爱侣介绍
素未谋面的爱侣原名:sirf tum,
If you liked "You've got mail," you'll love Sirf Tum. The plot is very similar except it uses snail mail. I liked Sirf Tum, a story of two people who fall in love through the mail, much better because it is beautifully photographed, has ***** songs and dances, uses various parts of India (especially Southern India)to ***** advantage, and the acting, even from Johnny Lever, is t...
发布于1999年。由Ahathian执导,集众多位桑杰·卡普尔、Priya Gill、苏丝米塔·森等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1999公映的电影。