The Bicycle Thief


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Bill Massof / Margaux St. Ledger
  • 类型:悬疑 / 短片
  • 地区: 美国
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The Bicycle Thief剧情内容介绍

The Bicycle Thief

The quiet and quaint suburban lifestyle of Mark and Mary Beth is upset when a thief snatches Mary Beth's bicycle. Their paranoia is eased when the bike is returned with a note along with theater tickets. But upon their return from the theater the couple are shocked by what has happened to their home.

发布于2008年。由Cutter执导,集众多位Bill Massof、Margaux St. Ledger等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2008公映的电影。


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The Bicycle Thief评价

  • Italian Neorealism - 较平淡的情节。二战后工作紧缺的情况。生活不易,对小男孩记忆颇深。

  • very raw. Masterpiece at invoking genuine emotions and creating continuous suspenses. ***** background music

  • 1948 Italian Neorealism. Directed by Vittorio De Sica. 很简单的电影,令人揪心的结局。 (Film-100 Class)
