介绍: AfilmfilledwithlifeandprofoundoptimismaboutagroupofJewishchildrenthatg…… 更多维也纳丢失的女儿介绍
维也纳丢失的女儿原名:Vienna's Lost Daughters,
A film filled with life and profound optimism about a group of Jewish children that grew up in Vienna and were part of the 'Children's Transport' their parents organized to rescue them from the nazi's in 1939.âEUR¨ Today these orphaned and transported daughters live in New York. Creating a new life and family in another part of the world- âEUR¨but never to forget.âEUR¨ This is ...
发布于2007年。由米丽亚姆∙昂格尔执导,并且由编剧米丽亚姆∙昂格尔、Sonja Ammann携幕后团队创作。集众多位Rosalie Berezow、Hennie Edelman、Susan Orne等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007公映的电影。