The 1989 animated feature adapted by Disney for TV in a prequel that leads up to the events of the film. The adventures of Ariel and her friends at the age of fourteen. From her first known trouble with Ursula to her collection of human objects, the show illustrates the princess's journey as she finishes growing up. It also introduced new characters such as Ariel's merboy frien...
正在播放:小美人鱼第12集 。 更新于,播放来源于爱奇艺。
小美人鱼第12集在线观看。 更新于,播放来源于爱奇艺。
剧情介绍:第12集-The 1989 animated feature adapted by Disney for TV in a prequel that leads up to the events of the film. The adventures of Ariel and her friends at the age of fourteen. From her first known trouble with Ursula to her collection of human objects, the show illustrates the princess's journey as she finishes growing up. It also introduced new characters such as Ariel's merboy frien...——影视分享提供。