***原名:Amazonia,1998年动画、短片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Faith Hubley执导,于1998-01-24公映。
Anthropologists take a trip to the jungles of Colombia to study native cannibals. Instead, they find a band of drug dealers, using the natives to harvest the cocoa leaf. After awhile, the natives are tired of being tortured slaves, and turn on their masters, as well as the anthropologists, thus filling the screen with gruesome splatter!全球**的电影,请记住这不是同类的美国电影《惊心食人族》,而是《***食人族》,真正的***。
请绝对带有批判眼光观赏,胆小者千万勿近,并远离饭前饭後! 一部极度恐怖恶心加上所谓***的片子。宣传上更是说「全无特技的真实电影」,也是意大利经典B级电影。