月形半平太又名Tsukigata hanpeita Story、Mask of the Moon。1961年剧情类型片,创作于日本地区,具有日语语言版本。由牧野正博执导,并由伊藤大辅、Rifû Yukitomo任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位青山京子、里见浩太朗、近卫十四郎、高田浩吉、伏见扇太郎、泽村宗之助、山形勋、阿部**男、尾上华丈、大川桥藏 Hashizo Okawa、丘里美 Satomi Oka、平干二朗 Mikijiro Hira等著名实力派明星加盟。于1961-04-25(日本)公映。
A young Choshu Clan swordsman, Tsukigata Hanpeita, longs for the day when rival clans cease their struggles for power and put an end to meaningless feudal wars. When he is appointed to oversee the Choshu Clan, he takes it upon himself to work towards the peace that he has dreamed about. With his affectionate personality and compassion for life, Hanpeita's popularity grows among...