介绍: PolicesaythedeathofReevaSteenkampwaspremeditatedmurder.Theaccused,herb…… 更多Oscar Pistorius: What Really Happened?介绍
Oscar Pistorius: What Really Happened?
Police say the death of Reeva Steenkamp was premeditated murder. The accused, her boyfriend Oscar Pistorius, says it was an innocent accident. A documentary team has been in Pretoria, South Africa, digging deeper into a death that shocked the world. Presented by Rick Edwards, who covered Pistorius's gold-medal winning, world record-breaking achievements at the London 2012 Paral...
发布于2013年。由Nick London执导,集众多位Rick Edwards等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013-03-11公映的电影。
难信“tragic accident”一说,但真相只有他知道吧.也许不是意外,但绝对是悲剧.他朋友说的"His whole life is to fight"听了真令人心酸:他一直以来坚信并拼了命地去证明自己能够做到健全人能做到的一切,包括他们的**和**(his harmless smile!);对此的任何一丝质疑都可能触及他尊严的底线,随即,snap.